An investor relations strategy that targets long-term corporate value is a factor must be taken into account in all corporate communications decisions". - Tom Ryan & Chad Jacobs

Investor relations and financial communication at Vietstock

Share price, or value per share, fluctuates according to the business results of the business, the macro-micro-economic situation and investors' perception of the business. However, a closer look reveals that stock prices fluctuate for two main reasons: both past performance and future expectations; transmission and reception of that information. 

In the new management world, IR is the pioneering activity to lead the communication strategy with the goal of preserving and enhancing corporate value. Consistent and strategic communication has a positive effect on stock prices and thereby on P/E or any other valuation ratio. Maximize corporate value, in addition to financial profits, also boost the morale of employees, partners and suppliers; support for strategic activities; positively influence the media and generate a rate of return that outperforms the competition.

Although a stock's long-term value is significantly correlated with a firm's long-term performance, how can this story be conveyed to capital markets effectively? It can be seen that the information itself does not determine the stock price, but the problem lies in the perception and interpretation of information. In addition, the packaging of information for each group of investors needs to be done in the same way that a good manager packages and sells his products. Vietstock's IR service supports businesses to optimize both tangible and intangible factors in stock valuation, convey the story of the business and orient the perception of the capital market to maximize business value (maximizing firm value by market valuation that accurately reflects the intrinsic value of the business).

Stock prices fluctuate for two main reasons: The performance of the business & The way that information is conveyed and received. Let Vietstock optimize the way to convey and receive information for your business:

1. Development of investor relations activities (IR) public

2. Financial communication and brand communication

3. Media of share issuance, stock listing, IPO, M&A...

4. Solution for IR website, shareholder relations website (IROnline)

5. Media sponsorship, events and seminars (Digital Content & Social Media,  Banner Ads)

What does Vietstock bring to you?

 Public company image with culture of information transparency

 Increase stock recognition among thousands of listed companies

 Enhance brand reputation by effectively conveying messages from business

 Improve stock price and liquidity thanks to capital market that accurately reflects the intrinsic value of the business

 Avoid crisis risk with strategic and consistent communication

Why choose Vietstock?

Over 20 years of experience in financial communications and syndication

 Owner of the leading prestigious online financial portal VIETSTOCK.VN

epresentative of FINANCIAL AND LIFE newspaper

 Analyst with in-depth knowledge of capital markets

 Experienced editor in media, financial - securities digital content
 To be a reputable and reliable financial communication partner of large enterprises in many fields

Other IR activities of Vietstock

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